Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I thought I had better express my good news! We just heard from BIRDWAVE that the new album isnt to faraway! We thought we'd release it with 1 big bang, hoping it be ready in a few months! All new tracks...previously unreleased! 100% RAW OZ FUNK. For all you vinyl heads that are into real raw funk I keep ya posted when its pressed n ready ta play, but for now I better be gettin back to doin what I gotta do! Creating the album cover and some more paintings too! SOUNDS TA FEED YA NEEDS........JAYCEES RECORDS

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is a lino print 1/2 i have been hand painting, its not quite done yet but i like it so far.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rescued Joey

I just got back from Qld and while I was there I had the pleasure of getting this picture. My friend Rose is a wildlife carer volunteer and she looks after all sorts of rescued animals until they are able to feed on their own. They then get moved to a dehumanizing compound to be later released into natural habitat...Free
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